Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Democratization vs. Talibanization

In a growingly globalized world where development or poverty, peace or war, security or insecurity influence the entire human community, Afghanistan's strategic partnership with the world democracies, specially the US-Afghan strategic partnership, will prove vital to democratize Afghanistan, promote peace and stability both in Afghanistan and across the region and will ensure a growingly peaceful approach to the longtime conflicted politics here. Separating Afghanistan's destiny from that of the world will prove futile as happenings here will surely affect the region and the world.

Putting emphasis on strictly nationalized processes and mechanisms and adopting an anti-foreign approach in treating non-Afghans has, in the course of history, sabotaged emerging tendencies to promote universal values, principles and attitudes.

This is drawn into some recent decisions and policies in which Afghanistan's engagement with the world countries are interpreted as a bow-down before "others". Pushed forward by certain external meddling and provocations, there have been efforts to question legitimacy of the strategic pact to be signed by Afghan and US leaders before Chicago Summit.

On the other hand, there appears a growing tendency leaning towards Talibanization of the country. Certain pro-Taliban circles are trying to win their invincible hearts and minds by any possible means. Releasing terrorist prisoners, proposing them generous incentives, announcing amnesty for notorious felons, imposing increased restrictions on women and opening office for Taliban are of the very obvious indicators of the extremely soothing policies towards Taliban fighters.

No need to say, a mere military response will not produce the ideal outcomes but insisting on appeasing policies and ignoring application of force against the stubborn militants will lead to increasing willingness of extremist militants to embark on violent actions.

For setting up a mechanism to ensure a peaceful and stable future for Afghanistan, the government needs to think of strategic solutions and democratic decisions rather than relying on extremist forces that have never showed respect for peaceful requests and diplomatic means.

Linking Afghanistan's future with that of the world can bring about a dramatically promising future for the country. To create a peaceful, developed and democratic Afghanistan, strategic partnership with the world democracies remains unquestionably essential.