Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Things Afghan Government Can Do on its Own

With the increasing problems, and diminishing hopes in Afghanistan, the prospects of peace and tranquility seem very much dim; yet, there are possibilities to start afresh from this point and reach to a somewhat reputable position. There is no doubt that for its journey to stability Afghanistan would require a great deal of assistance from the regional countries and Western allies. However, the most dominant role has to be played by Afghanistan itself.

It depends largely on how Afghan authorities will deal with the circumstances ahead. At this crucial juncture when the Western allies do not have many options but to leave the country prematurely and the regional countries are very much interested in pursuing their own interests, the Afghan government does not have any other option but to be more responsible and deal with the situation on its own. Currently there are many concerns about the Afghan government; addressing them is in its total control if other things are out of it.

Afghan government can listen to the different voices in the country that are peace-loving and want a better future for Afghanistan in the form of better political system. This is possible if the government is ready to adopt a flexible and democratic attitude towards different opinions regarding the political amendments in the country.

Afghan government can control the rampant corruption that has incapacitated the assistance from being used in the right direction. It has penetrated deep within the country's socio-political and socio-economic atmospheres and will keep on doing so unless proper attention is paid to it. It can adopt a strict policy regarding the poppy cultivation and smuggling that has not only debilitated the lives of Afghan people but has been fueling the terrorism to a large extent, as well.

Afghan government can adopt a clear policy regarding the reconciliation process in the country. By continuing to call Taliban as brothers would not solve the issue any more. Taliban, even after very welcoming remarks have denied to take initiative regarding talks with the government. In fact, they, as a response, have continued violence and terrorism, while Afghan government apart from welcoming them has not been able to offer anything else. It is not necessary that Afghan government must pursue the issue militarily but they have to come up with a practical policy regarding the issue.

Last but not the least; Afghan government can revise its relations with the neighboring countries. It is correct that neighboring countries have not fulfilled much as far as their responsibilities are concerned, yet Afghan government has not been able to bring about innovations and flexibility in its approach towards them. It has kept the "blame game" continue with them rather than discouraging it.