Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Taliban’s Atrocity and President Karzai’s Puzzling Bond of Brotherhood

Another four Afghan children have fallen victims to the ruthless Taliban insurgency. Afghan children, women and men are immensely out of incompetence of their leadership. On Tuesday, May 01, 2012, in a fighting between Taliban militants and NATO troops, four children were reported to have been killed and three other have been wounded. The incident happened in Zabul province, where the Taliban started shooting NATO soldiers, which instead killed the children in the area.

The worse is that the Taliban then put the blame on NATO and Afghan forces, compelling the local people to wage protest against foreign forces. When the Taliban use violent methods to achieve their goals, they never hesitate to kill Afghan children and put the blame on foreign forces to provoke sentiments and feelings against the presence of international forces.

It may be shocking for the people who put respect for human life ahead of their ideologies, views and feelings but for the Taliban that place their ideology, thoughts and feelings ahead of attaching value to human life, it is common. The militants whose historical records are replete with cases of massacre, mass killings, destructions and strangulation will never hesitate to add to their records in order to achieve their vicious goals.

So violence and killing of children is typical of the Taliban nature. They say that they are fighting jihad against foreign forces. But the fact is that when a civilian gets killed in counter-insurgency operations conducted by foreign forces, they are shocked and grieved even though it is not intentional.

But the Taliban never even apologize to the people for killing innocent civilians. This is clearly indicative of the Taliban's evil nature and the violent ideology they represent. In fact, the Taliban's evil nature and their inhuman and callous tactics are now crystal-clear and everyone in his right mind abhors the Taliban's terrorist operations.

But what is not clear is the president of Afghanistan Mr. Karzai's empathy and bond of brotherhood with those brutal Taliban. It is high time to untangle this puzzle and compel the president to take side with Afghan people and discontinue serving as a shield for the most atrocious militants by calling them brothers and pursuing appeasement policy towards them.