Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Need to Dismantle the Capability to Attack

The Taliban have launched their spring offensive called Operation Al-Farooq. Every spring the Taliban, after a relative winter lull, plan and carry out offensive under different names and titles. In response to the surge, the Ministry of Interior Affairs has issued a statement to ensure Afghan people that the National Police is now capable enough to repel the attacks carried out by the ruthless Taliban insurgents and militants and protect the innocent people of the country.

The statement came out on Monday, May 07, 2012, saying that "The Afghan National Police is stronger now than ever before in our nation's history. We are ready to stand against foreign mercenaries to protect Afghans' lives and property and the country's territorial integrity.

We believe in our ability to defeat attacks by the Taliban, who have changed their tactics to mainly suicide bombings and improvised explosive device (IEDs) attacks that kill and maim innocent people every day." It has been proved from the kind of attacks the Taliban carry out that they have least care about human life, and continue to deny people the right to live.

The statement from the MoI reflects this bitter fact by stating that, "They (the Taliban) seem to have no concern for human life and dignity but only want to attain power for themselves; no matter what the cost is."

It is good to hear that the National Police is ready and able to counter the insurgents as they launch coordinated and organized assaults into the capital and different parts of the country. The National Police has already demonstrated a level of capability to control the situation when terrorists launch attacks.

For instance, the police personnel were able to kill the militants that had assaulted Kabul last week but it important to say that the current situation needs to be turned around. It will not be enough for Afghan people to get attacked and then rescued by the national police or national army or both with cooperation and help of international forces.

Afghan national security forces must plan and carry out anti-insurgent operations in areas where they have the most influence and control. It is time for launching attacks to dismantle their momentum and ability to launch attacks.