Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Iran on Afghan-US Strategic Pact

Iran has come up with some irrational diplomacy on the Afghan-US strategic pact inked recently. Reportedly, the Iranian ambassador in Kabul in meeting with the speaker of the Meshrano Jirga (WJ) warned that if the partnership pact got endorsed from WJ, Iran would expel all Afghan refugees from its territory. That sounds somewhat weird.

Iran's despair in this regard was confirmed when on Tuesday its foreign ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast expressing concern over the recent pact signed between Afghanistan and the US said the pact was vague and unclear.

Mehmanparast also pointed that Afghanistan's security was Iran's security and that regional countries were well capable of ensuring security in that country and there was no need for alien forces. According to him, the pact would damage stability in the region.

It is necessary to mention that Iran's such moves are conceived as 'direct interference' into the internal affairs of Afghanistan in various Afghan political circles, although Karzai's administration has been keeping mum. If neighboring countries were capable of stabilizing Afghanistan that would have occurred long ago.

Although the war in Afghanistan has political, economic and social impacts on the regional countries, Afghanistan cannot be held solely responsible. Our neighboring countries, Iran and Pakistan have always had a role in the three-decade conflict of Afghanistan.

Today, Iran is accused, by certain factions of Afghan society, of supporting, training and financing the insurgents and of playing a double game inside Afghanistan. Today it says 'Afghanistan's security is Iran security' but the fact is that the Islamic Republic has never wanted the good of Afghanistan.

Trying to hinder the strategic pact is clear example. The world deems international forces presence in Afghanistan vital for combating terrorism and stabilizing this country. Nonetheless, Iran, like Taliban, wants their immediate withdrawal.

Iran refers Afghanistan as an occupied country and has continuously meddled in its internal affairs. Afghan government's silence has encouraged it furthermore. Karzai's government has failed to defend Afghanistan's status against the time and again interference of Iranian government.