Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

New Political Tradition

In response to the demands of the rally called last week by ex-Afghan intelligence chief, Amrullah Saleh, the Hamid Karzai office has said that there was a growing new political tradition in Afghanistan: people once dismissed from their positions switch to misleading people and start propagating wrong thoughts about the government. The really was arranged to protest against the peace reconciliation program and also demanded that president Karzai should not call the Taliban as his brothers and bring necessary reforms in its government or it will face Middle East like protests. Mr. Saleh was the intelligence chief of Afghanistan until last year when he and the then Interior Minister Hanif Atmar had to submit their resignations after rocket attacks by Taliban on the tent of Loya Jirga where tribal and political elders of Afghanistan and Pakistan had gathered to discuss the ways of reconciliation with Taliban. Saleh regards the peace program initiated by Hamid Karzai as fake and to him this means selling Afghanistan back to Taliban by empowering them.

Government's opposition has a very vital role in every country. Opposition monitors the decision made by government and defends the people against decisions that are not in the national interests of a country. Unfortunately in Afghanistan the opposition seems to be very weak and feeble and can not press the government, although last week's rally was strongly backed by it.

The new political tradition that the government is talking about is actually quite old. What is obvious is that our government has completely failed to move Afghanistan towards peace, economical prosperity and social and political stability. Security is at its lowest level while corruption, opium and lack of justice are governing the life of people. It's quite rational to say that serious concerns about the weaknesses of government exist on the minds of every Afghan and if not address, will one day, turn into storm which the government will not be able to control.

There is golden opportunity for president Karzai administration to bring positive reforms and address the concerns of the people rather than trying to cover their voices. Golden opportunity, because the international community is backing Afghan government with its forces and funds.