Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Gender Inequality in Afghanistan

Statistics shows that Afghanistan is still a country where gender equality is worst! Afghanistan is the country with worst records of violence against women, with highest rate. The plight of Afghan women still persists even after many years of democracy. The male dominated society with extreme socio-religious mindset is still a phenomenon in Afghanistan.

School girls are thrown acid on their faces. Women suffer severe domestic violence. In most parts of the country, husbands consider it their natural right to harshly beat their wives over tiny disputes. Women face violence at every stage of their lives, in every relation—as a girl, as a sister, as a wife and even as a mother. Other than physical violence, women are not allowed to work shoulder by shoulder with their male counterparts—a social and behavioral violence.

Gender inequalities affect all parts of the country, all communities, and all social groups. Women are at high risk of rape at their homes, in their villages, and in detention facilities.

During the brutal Taliban regime women were stoned to death, shot in head and beaten in public for wearing "Un-Islamic" dress or showing off any part of their body such as hands and feet. Even today, in insurgent stronghold parts of the country, women are not allowed to get education.

Honor killing is also common. Women are considered the property of the males in their families. Males—the owner of the property has the right to decide its fate. Women are considered a machine or toy created only for serving their men. Women are considered as a commodity that can be exchanged, bought and sold. Honor killings are common for reasons of extramarital affairs, love or doing something against the prevailing male-dominant barbaric culture, such as coming out of home without the permission of husband.

According to a Government statistics, about 50 percent of girls are married before their legal age. It also says that more than 90 percent of family violence cases go unreported. The weak performance of the Government regarding women rights has to be criticized.

There is no strict implication of punishment on domestic violence and such cases are even not investigated. The Government must implement laws about domestic violence and take effective steps not only to end violence against women but also create awareness among masses in this regard. People from all walks of life are needed to play their due responsibility to generate awareness among illiterate public about women rights and elimination of violence. Ulema or religious leaders can play most effective role in this regard. They should spread the word among common people about women rights.