Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Afghan Govt. Must Make Commitments Either

On May 20-21, heads of state and governments from twenty eight North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries are coming together under the banner of Chicago Conference to discuss how they should deal with the vital issues - transition process, withdrawal of international troops and support of Afghan military for a long run - pertaining to Afghanistan.

Reportedly, the United States is expecting to squeeze decisions from the conference in three important areas: an agreement on an interim milestone in 2013 when the International Security Assistance Force's (ISAF) mission will shift from combat to support for the Afghan national security forces; an agreement on the size, cost and sustainment of the Afghan forces beyond 2014 and a roadmap for NATO's post-2014 role in Afghanistan.

The conference is taking place at a very crucial moment when concerns are high over future security and social and economic stability of Afghanistan. It is hoped that the NATO allies will reaffirm their commitment and come up with a message that has been called 'powerful and unified' by US Senator, John Kerry in his recent article on Afghanistan.

The noteworthy point is that all counter-terrorism allies agree on the fact that 90's-like abandonment of Afghanistan would be extremely disastrous for regional and global security. Insurgent sanctuaries are still present in Afghanistan and Pakistan from where they plan to launch attacks across Afghanistan.

Any political vacuum that will be left behind by withdrawal of NATO forces from Afghanistan will result in the further growth of insurgency. Understanding of the world that Afghanistan's stability is important to global security is in the benefit of the people of Afghanistan.

For a long term peace and prosperity of Afghanistan both the international community and the Afghan government have to play their roles. Funding the expenditures of Afghan national army and police is what the NATO countries are expected to make commitments about in the upcoming Chicago conference.

It would also be the responsibility of the Western countries to support Afghanistan to counter negative interferences from the neighboring and regional countries. Meanwhile, the Afghan government has its own roles to play. It has to re-commit to the world that it would take practical measures to improve governance, rule of law, bring needed reforms and would fight corruption and poppy, in addition to sincerely fighting the insurgency.