Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

MP’s Threatened Against Endorsing US-Afghan Pact

Earlier this month, the US and Afghanistan inked enduring strategic partnership that allows the former to support Afghanistan in various areas for decade after 2014. Nonetheless, it seems like this development, which both the US and Afghan governments deem as pivotal, was hard to digest for Islamic Republic of Iran. Soon after the partnership was signed, the Iranian ambassador in Kabul in meeting with the speaker of the Meshrano Jirga (WJ) warned that if the partnership pact got endorsed from WJ, Iran would expel all Afghan refugees from its territory.

Although the Afghan government remained almost mute, this step was pronounced a direct interference by Iran into the domestic issues of Afghanistan and was condemned in various social and political circles.

Despite efforts made by Iranian embassy in Kabul, the strategic agreement got endorsed from WJ and is pending for approval from Afghan parliament. Afghan MP's say they have been receiving threatening SMS's from unknown people against endorsing the US-Afghan deal.

The message reads as, "We urge you not to endorse the agreement which sells out our homeland to the foreigners. If you do so you will face the same fate as Malawi Arsla Rahmani." It is important to mention that Rahmani, a former Taliban leader who was a key member of Karzai's High Peace Council was gunned down near his home in Kabul on May 13.

Although the threats are not being taken as 'serious,' the MP's point finger at our neighboring countries, especially the Islamic Republic for such activities. Reportedly, Iran also tried to manage a protest against the US-Afghan strategic deal in Kabul. By such measures, Iran is trying to fuel the religious and ethnic differences in Afghanistan.

Iran is a close neighbor to Afghanistan and Afghans have religious, lingual and cultural commonalities with the people of that country. Nonetheless, Iranian government has always tried to create hurdles for development and prosperity of Afghanistan. It is accused of playing a double game in here and always pronounces Afghanistan as an occupied country. For several times, Iran has called for immediate withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan, although Afghans deems their presence crucial for their security.

In the long run, Iran's attitude towards Afghanistan can be quite damaging. Therefore, it is time for Karzai administration to counter Iran's negative diplomacy and take timely measures to curb its direct meddling inside Afghanistan.