Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

ANF: Harbinger of New Reform-based Politics

After the fall of the Taliban, President Hamid Karzai assumed the responsibility to run the state of affairs of Afghanistan with the support from leaders of anti-Taliban resistance as well as international community. President Karzai lacked any popular support base and solely relied on the backing from Jihadi leaders and international allies of Afghanistan.

Throughout the last ten years, President Karzai unfortunately alienated the jihadi leaders that represented the majority of Afghan people. He also disappointed international community by running a completely corrupt administration.

As a result, in order to continue to cling to power, he established and maintained a corrupt patronage network. Some ethnocentric people came together around him to form a team of his closest advisors and aides. This team engaged the president in internal politics and prevented him from reforming his administration to enable to deliver services to the people. More than ten years have passed but no tangible effects on Afghan lives can be seen.

The people are now tired of the government's inability and inefficiency to deliver services to the citizens. They are now looking for alternatives. Afghanistan National Front (ANF) has stepped forward to be this alternative. ANF pioneers and introduces a new politics in Afghanistan. It has set clear policy agenda to bring about sweeping political reforms, including changing the current strong and unaccountable presidential system into a parliamentary one that could be accountable to the nation and meet public demands.

The leaders of ANF- Ahmad Zia Masoud, the former vice president, Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, the most influential Hazara leader and Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum, the founder and leader of Junbesh party- that represent more than 50 percent of Afghan population are now travelling to the provinces to introduce their proposed political reforms to the people.

Last week they travelled to Shiberghan, Jawzjan as well as Faryab. They were warmly welcomed by cheerful participants and audience. Addressing tens of thousands of spectators, Ahmad Zia Massoud, the chairman of the ANF said, "The upcoming presidential election of 2014 has the role of a milestone in the peace and stability of our country… whoever tries to influence the election illegally or to steal the public mandate would commit a crime and national treason. We will not allow them to manipulate the democratic process."

Mohaqiq said, "Government rather than thinking about the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country cares about the amnesty of the terrorists."

Dostum said, "We will abide by the democratic rule but if the efforts to derail the democracy continue, we will resist and fight for the people's right. The Taliban don't believe in peace and they will not lay down their weapons nor accept the values depicted in our constitution…… The peace process is flawed…… Gen. Dostum is still alive to safeguard the constitution and prevent Taliban from returning in power by undemocratic means."
They are now the harbinger of new politics in Afghanistan based on popular support and aimed at bringing genuine political reforms to make democracy work.