Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Taliban’s Message to NATO Leaders

Amidst Chicago Conference where the top agenda was Afghanistan's future, the Taliban have sent a message to the NATO leaders, calling the "war on terror" an excuse for colonization and urging them to follow the France and get out. According to the statement, there is no reason for the US to remain in Afghanistan any longer as "The American intelligence networks, including the CIA, state that members of al-Qaeda have all left Afghanistan." The statement adds, "We call upon all the other NATO member countries to avoid working for the political interests of American officials and answer the call of their own people by immediately removing all their troops from Afghanistan."

Previously, complete pull-out of foreign forces had been one of the pre-conditions from Taliban's side for negotiations with Afghan government. The statement comes at times when all the NATO troops are already set to withdraw by 2014.

By such statements that are released to coincide with the pivotal events like Chicago Conference, the Taliban try to show to the world that that they are present out there in Afghanistan and will continue fighting the international troops and Afghan government. The statements have no other value and importance.

There is no doubt that signing of strategic partnerships with various politically, militarily and economically strong countries such as the US, Germany, UK, Australia and others and announcement of the NATO nations to support Afghanistan for long time beyond 2014 have all been opposite to the expectations of Taliban.

In addition to that, there is growing hatred against Taliban's insurgency among the public and they do not want them back to power. The more the Taliban practice violence, the more they will be hated by the people of Afghanistan. Therefore, Taliban's recent statement in which they call upon the NATO countries to immediately withdraw from Afghanistan has no value as they are not the representatives of Afghans. Such statements do not reflect the wants of the people of Afghanistan.