Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Whispering to Almighty Allah

O Allah, bestow us the strength to break chains that society and color have imprisoned us with, since the very first few steps we took on your earth planet, and suspected whatever we have acquired through community and family's heritage that of cult and tradition. And let our suspicion stampede like a wild horse on a frightful desert and leave no doors untouched even that of those we previously maintained of evilness and wickedness.

Because finding you in disguise is far better than drawing you on vague and blurred page of our heart. If we are worthy of, then, O Allah, give a hand and take us far beyond the destructive waves of ignorance and enable us to figure out your rightful way, leading to the apex of spirituality and righteousness. As the profile of your legendary lovers in the history showcases that how your true understanding can shake stiffness and imprint hearts with love.

O Allah, bestow us the strength to painstakingly listen to opposing sounds and embrace everyone with their own colors, because human beings' experience shows that decoration of society with multi-colors is the only authentic face of a society. Societies decorated with black and white have brought about huge miseries and also could not last long.

If you diversified the nature and have created us with variety of colors, then there are no excuses for those of us who inhibited to raise walls of colors, race, language and religion. Thus, O Allah, help us all to re-establish human society on your true will and reorient everything on their own initial and due position.

Because you created the world with colors and determined that a color makes no one superior and inferior. "You are created with colors merely for introduction; the best of you are those who follow my command".

Oh Allah forgive us for sin we committed during past decades against our own brothers and sisters. Forgive us for misinterpretation of your orders in order to fulfill our evil and insatiable desire. Tens of thousands of people were brutally killed only because of their colors, language and religion during decades. No doubt, those who were directly involved in murdering of the people yesterday are again asking the people for vote today. They once again have high respect among common people.

Thus, O Allah! Give people awareness and knowledge about your true followers, and let them understand about your harsh punishment on the resurrection day.