Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Need to Address the Country’s Vulnerabilities

Afghanistan has two years of opportunity to get to a point where it is no longer prone to any internecine fierce and bloody conflict or any territorial disintegration. There needs to be great smartness and effectiveness by Afghan leadership to address the country's vulnerabilities and political fissures. The looming question will be President Karzai government's ability to tackle the brutal insurgency and resolve the growing political fragmentation simultaneously.

Afghanistan has signed strategic partnership agreements with several militarily and economically powerful countries of the world, including India, Italy, France, German, Britain and the United States of America. The signing of these deals will be obviously in the interest of Afghanistan as the country itself lacks financial resources and capacity to meet both internal and external challenges and threats.

However, it should be said that these pacts can serve as a cushion for the Afghan government to remain safe against the collapse for a while but it must also be mentioned that the current political structure does not have the potential and capacity to evolve into stability. International community has pledged to maintain their political, military and financial support to Afghanistan after 2014.

Over the last ten years, international community provided more funding than they have committed for the next 10 to 12 years. But unfortunately the aid has led to intangible results in Afghans' lives. Lack of required results from the international aid is down to the lack of national capacity.

The current political structure will not be able to develop that required capacity. So these agreements will not contribute to a fundamental change in the life of Afghan people or development of the country if the existing political system is not changed to allow for democratic stability in Afghanistan.

In addition, the strategic partnership agreements with western countries and India have already caused sensitivities among the neighboring countries. They attempt to establish and use their influences. It must be clearly said that there are some groups in the country that work for the neighbors.

If the political system is not reformed to accommodate the interests of diverse ethnic and sectarian groups, the vulnerability of the country will increase and the neighbors will be quick enough to capitalize on such vulnerability as they did during 1990s when the interests of different identity groups were not accommodated. A centralized power structure increases the feeling of exclusion among different groups and will lead to political instability.