Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Wolesi Jirga Endorsed Afghan-US Accord

As expected, the Wolesi Jirga (WJ) or lower house of parliament, on Saturday, endorsed the US-Afghan strategic accord by a simple majority of those present in the 249-seat body. Serious opposition to the measure had not been expected. The strategic partnership will now go to the Afghan senate, where it is also expected to be approved early next week. The quick endorsement is encouraging, as previously the current parliament has taken more than expected time to reach an agreement on an issue.

The endorsement is also special because it is exactly against what Iran allegedly wanted the MPs to do. According to reports, Iranian government set aside $25 million to derail the US-Afghan strategic deal through an MP from Nangarhar province.

Since it was inked by presidents of both the countries, the strategic pact has been hard to digest for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Earlier this month, the Iranian ambassador in Kabul in meeting with the speaker of the Meshrano Jirga (MJ) warned that if the partnership pact got endorsed from MJ, Iran would expel all Afghan refugees from its territory.

In addition to direct meddling of Iran in internal affairs of Afghanistan that has become quite evident in the past few weeks, the Islamic Republic is accused of playing a double game in this country i.e. on the one hand it exhibits itself as a supporter of peace, development and reconstruction of Afghanistan and on the other, provides financial and non-financial support to insurgents to fight against NATO and Afghan government.

Against Iran's negative role, the reaction of Karzai's administration has always been soft. Karzai calls Iran a brotherly country, although the people have time and again protested against the inhumane attitude of Iranian government towards Afghan refugees.

It is quite welcoming that US-Afghan strategic partnership got endorsed from Afghan parliament despite Iran government's reported efforts to distract the MPs. The Islamic Republic and proxies must take it as a lesson and stop its negative interference, if any, inside Afghanistan.