Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Taliban’s Reasonable Conditions May be Considered

On the occasion of the first death anniversary of Gen. Daud Daud, the commander of 303rd pamir zone police, the statements by different Afghan leaders depicted the level of differences found between the government and the opposition. The first Vice-President, Marshal Qasim Fahim, addressing on the occasion, asked the Taliban to reject militancy and accept the peace process.

He even mentioned that Taliban's reasonable conditions may be met if they are ready to negotiate. But if they continue violence they would never be successful. He said that the enemies of Afghanistan, who once violated and insulted the people, today lacked the combat facilities.

Their future is in stake; therefore they prefer to kill people and Jihadi figures. He conveyed a message on behalf of Mujahedeen and security forces, that Taliban will never reach their goals, if they aimed to destabilize and weaken Afghanistan through terror and insurgency.

This is really concerning to note that Afghan Presidential office has kept on galvanizing Taliban through welcoming remarks, but they have responded with guns. Though Taliban have never shown any flexibility, the change in tone on the part of Afghan government is really not comprehendible.

On the other hand, the efforts made by Afghan government to tackle the reconciliation process have been futile so far. The High Peace Council (HPC) established by President Karzai to carry on the process has itself been the victim of growing terrorism. In fact, HPC and Afghan Presidential office have not come up with alternate plans. The only policy they have adopted is inviting them with sweet words, while they have turned a deaf ear to every such word.

On the other hand, the leader of Afghan National Front (ANF), Ahmad Zeya Masood, addressing on the same occasion, mentioned that Taliban are a terrorist group and government has not taken any step to counter them; rather it has been involved in supporting it. He proposed that all the Jihadi leaders and political parties must establish a political axis so as to pursue their objectives. This, he suggested, would be the only way to move towards a true national political system.

Mohammad Mohaqiq, another prominent leader of ANF, said that the government should not show its weakness to the armed opposition, but it should defend the missions of the martyrs.

The National Coalition head, Abdullah Abdullah mentioned that it was necessary for the people of Afghanistan to know about the killings of their leaders. Therefore, the government must make efforts to clarify the assassination of Jihadi leaders.

The above statements clearly depict that there is no national consensus regarding negotiations with Taliban and the future of peace process. The opposition groups have lost all faith from the current government and the reconciliation process. One of the greatest faults of the current government has been to reject opposition groups any important part in the reconciliation process.

Though there have been claims both by the government and the western allies that the process would be made participatory, yet the opposition groups have been denied any proper participation. Definitely, they will be having an important role in future state of affairs and the setup with Taliban. Moreover, they have given great sacrifices and contribution for the development of the current relative political order in the country. Without their proper representation in the reconciliation process, it would be really inappropriate to call the process truly Afghanized.

Relating to Taliban, the Afghan government has on various occasions said that Taliban would not be able to gain strength through violence and they have to shun it, yet the steps taken by government basically encourages them to continue violence as it is ready to accept the conditions set by Taliban even after their violence. Moreover, it gives a negative message to those who are pursuing their objectives through peaceful and political means.