Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Get Prepared for Afghanization

It seems that the trend of issues in Afghanistan tends to become more Afghanized. From the securitytransition to earlier pullouts and Afghanistan's strategic partnerships with the world powers indicate that the world is fed up with the costly physical presence here. The mission has already taken longer than expected while the rampant economic recessions and increasing public pressures put Afghanistan's international allies in impasse of having no more than withdrawal choice.

With the heavy costs of foreign military presence here, the governments have decided to strategically alleviate the burden by handing over more military and economic responsibilities to their Afghan partners. With the third phase of security transition kicked off, Afghan government holds security responsibility for about half of the country.

However, the areas with higher security risks still remain in controlof foreign forces. In addition to that, strategic partnership agreements with the world powers are also a key to secure Afghanistan's future against numerous challenges at home and abroad.

As yet, Afghanistan has inked a number of documents on strategic partnership with regional and world democracies to help it survive amidst strong military, economic and political challenges. Amongst all partnership documents, the strategic agreement with the United States remains highly substantial.

It took both parties a year and half to make the document ready for signature by presidents of the two nations. Following presidential signature, it needed to be approved by Afghan parliament to enter into force as a binding legal document.

Before voting on the agreement, Afghan MPs warned against challenging interferences by certain neighboring countries to provoke parliamentarians to veto it. The document was finally voted on. It was ratified by an overwhelming majority on Saturday.

Of 199 MPs present, only four voted against it. The document obviously indicates Afghanistan-US interlinked destiny and assignment to fight against terrorism; keep security and build a prosperous and stable Afghanistan. Other than what details are included in the document, it is generally supported by Afghans.

They have expressed the need to remain allied with the world democracies and big economic powers to get the hard job of reconstruction and peace building done. But to make an apt use of the strategic partnership with the United States and other partners, the government of Afghanistan does need to insert fundamental changes in its policies and practices.

Today's poor, momentary and uninformed decisions and approaches of the government will never let the nation enjoy peace, freedom and economic prosperity.In order for Afghanistan to change, the government attitudesmust change. This will help the government get prepared for a fully Afghanized process.