Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Stop Meddling, Contribute to Afghanistan’s Stability

Afghanistan is the victim of what is called the foreign imposed war since the last thirty years. Regional countries, specifically our neighboring countries, have never given up meddling into the internal affairs of Afghanistan. Each country or group of countries follow their own objectives in this country and try to mold the political situation here according to their wants and interests.

Foreign interference has always been a hindrance for Afghanistan to move towards peace and prosperity. Interference into Afghanistan became more evident in the last ten years, as the neighboring countries have tried to create hindrances to a stable Afghanistan. Taliban's growing insurgency is a clear proof for this.

Fortunately, awareness has increased up to an extent that even common Afghans know what intentions our neighboring and regional countries have towards Afghanistan. Every Afghan, within his capacity, tries to oppose foreigners and their proxies who meddle negatively in internal affairs of Afghanistan.

Despite the time and again emphasize of US and Afghan authorities that no US permanent bases will be established in Afghanistan, our neighboring countries remain doubtful. They just do not trust the common statement given both by US and Afghan governments that Afghanistan will not be allowed to be used against any country.

Recently, Russia demanded clarification on post-2014 presence of US in Afghanistan. Nikolaiy Patrushev, Secretary of the Russian Security Council said on Friday June 01, 2012 that, "Despite Washington's claims about having no plans to deploy permanent bases in Afghanistan, we know that the US troops will remain in this country after 2014.

The continued long-term foreign military presence in Afghanistan, which could be used (as a springboard) against other countries in the region, is unacceptable to Russia."

For Afghanistan not to once again turn into safe havens of terrorists, it would need long term assistance from international community including the US. NATO forces need to remain in Afghanistan beyond 2014 for training and supporting the Afghan national army and police against the insurgents who pose threat not only to the security of this country but also to regional and global peace. Therefore, our neighboring countries have to support the process of Afghanistan stability rather than trying to create hurdles.