Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Need to Enhance National Trust

During the war period, the foundations of national unity and solidarity had badly been destroyed and the people of Afghanistan were left into the nightmare of suspicions and mistrust. Since the major parts of society were involved in war, a negative mentality gradually grew that everyone was trying to achieve self-interests. This negative mentality was one of chief reasons behind protracted conflicts which produced nothing but destruction.

From the very beginning of its reestablishment, strengthening the shattered foundations of national unity and national trust has been the top priority of the government. Almost all politicians in Afghan government have used the term of national unity and emphasized to restore it in the country. But the question arises that has the government achieved its goals of improving national unity and achieving national confidence building measures?

The government of Afghanistan has repeatedly defended its strategies and claimed that much have been done during the last decade in Afghanistan. One reason for the government's failure that President Karzai could not succeed to lay the foundation of national unity and trust after they were totally damaged by war.

But the reality is something else. Afghanistan is one of the few countries where national feeling has its lowest record. Yet the mentality has not been created to bring all the Afghans on one platform where they forget all illegal considerations and classes and all have one Afghan identity.

The current situation of the government and educational levels is one of the principal reasons for the dissemination of mistrust among Afghan people.

A nationalistic environment is for the interest of every Afghan; however, Afghanistan is in need of more unified efforts to be made for the betterment and social amelioration of the society. Any effort that can expedite national building process in the post-war situation will be highly encouraged.