Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Allowing Evil Forces and Tackling Reformists

The central prison of Sar-e-Pul province has been blown up by Taliban. Three prisoners have been killed and 31 more wounded in the explosion carried out in this prison, which took place on Thursday night. The Taliban have claimed the responsibility for the attack, which has been conducted to release the prisoners. It is reported that the prison contained the Taliban inmates as well. Akhtar Mohammad Khairzada, the deputy governor of Sar-e-Pul has said that 32 prisoners have seized the opportunity to escape, though according to him, sixteen of them have been recaptured by security forces.

The Taliban executed a prison break in main Kandahar prison in April 2011, in which around 500 prisoners were released. It is widely construed that Taliban have infiltrated into the government agencies, which enables them to implement some of their most vicious plans. President Karzai continues to call the Taliban militants as his unhappy brothers.

He has taken an extremely conciliatory approach towards Taliban, which goes against the grain of Afghan people. Afghan people continue to suffer in the brutal hands of Taliban. They have their roads, schools and bridges destroyed by the Taliban almost on a daily basis.

Their lives are disrupted every day. They want the government to take a strict approach towards the insurgents. They are also unhappy with the performance of international forces operating in Afghanistan because they believe that their presence has not contributed to the security of Afghanistan sufficiently.

Now that Afghanistan has signed strategic partnership agreements with several countries, Afghan people expect foreign forces to crack down on the Taliban before they leave in 2014. Afghan people are of the view that Taliban are the most destructive force and must be defeated militarily. This is because Taliban are the most stubborn force as well.

It is almost impossible to change their minds and persuade them to put human lives ahead of their hardline ideology. Unfortunately, it is President Karzai that fails to understand this. Instead of focusing on tackling this evil force, President Karzai does his best to tackle the voices that are raised in favor of fundamental reforms. It seems that the President views the reformists more dangerous than Taliban.