Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Central Highlands, Getting Insecure

Afghanistan's Central highlandsareone of the safest regions of Afghanistan. If we go through the data, since the ouster of the Taliban in 2001, almost no fatal attack occurred on International forces or on Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF)in those areas. It is a great matter of concern that the peace loving people of central highlands who condemn Taliban's return and are in favor of democracy and supporting international community's presence in Afghanistan are never paid enough attention neither in budget allocation nor in development.

Every year so-calledKuchi militants attack people of Behsud district of MaidanWardak province, kill innocent people and ablaze their belongings and farms. Although, President Karzai every year promises to solve the problem of Kuchis, no visible measures are taken.

On the other hand, according to opposition sources and local residents, the President himself is supporting Kuchi militants and using them as a political tool to undermine his political opponents.

While newly formed Afghanistan National Front (ANF) leaders that took the favor of huge masses of the Afghan populace in a very short period of time, are of the view that President Karzai can use the cruelest toolto remain in power.

It was witnessed on Wednesday, June 06, 2012 when Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, a prominent Hazara and ANF leader as well as the Member of Parliament, was attacked by unknown militants in Bamyan.

Blaming government for attacks on his life, Mr. Mohaqiq said, "We have right to speak on the shortcomings and defects of the government." Talking about aggressive behavior of government, Mohaqiq added, "We have our own program but we should not be answered with accusations and armed attacks."

As per the allegation of the prominent opposition leader, President Karzai cannot tolerate any opposition challenging his authority and does not respect people's mandate.

Afghanistan has been passing through very critical stage. Already Taliban are very confident that they can retake power after the withdrawal of the International forces in 2014. Ahmad Zia Massoud, the ANF chairman, said thatthe President is calling his unhappy brothers (Taliban) repeatedly and wants Afghanistan to be ruled by Taliban rather then those who support democracy and respect Afghan constitution.

Afghanistan needs to be on track towards democracy, peace and prosperity. Personal rivalries should be set aside and it is better to think about Afghanistan's stable future which at this stage seems very bleak.