Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Faizi Confirms Taliban’s Involvement in Behsud Invasion

The presidential spokesman has said that the Taliban and armed opposition are involved in invading Behsud and Daimerdad districts of MaidanWardak province. According to AimalFaizi, the Taliban, under the name of Kuchis, have launched attacks into Behsud and Daimerdad, killing innocent civilians, and looting and burning their properties.

Every spring and summer, the Taliban mix up with Kuchis and assault Behsud district of MaidanWardak and the adjacent areas. But unfortunately Afghan government has thus far failed to settle the nomads/Kuchis in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. Kuchis are, therefore, used either politically by political circles that seek domination or militarily by the Taliban and other armed groups to kill the local people that have supported the new democratic system.

As a response to all the violence being practiced by Kuchis, who are supported and equipped by Taliban, the Afghan government has shown recklessness and is failing to counter the situation. Apparently, the government has no intention to interfere and secure the area and life of the innocent people. In Behsud severe violation of human rights is taking place. Nonetheless, the UN, like the Afghan government, is also mum on the issue which is quite disappointing.

The Taliban are the evil forces that continue to cause mass destruction, mass disruption and mass killing in different parts of Afghanistan.

On Saturday, June 09, 2012, the Taliban suicide bomber disguised as a woman wearing a burqa killed four French soldiers when he blew himself up in a market. France's defense ministry has confirmed the nationality of the dead and said another five French troops have been wounded in the blast.

In past, the Taliban have used innocent children to carry out suicide attacks and terrify the people. But unfortunately President Karzai continues to call them as his upset brothers. To our unmitigated chagrin, the President is not shaken by the kind of brutality the Taliban- or in his words the unhappy brothers- commit in different areas of the country.

The Taliban and Kuchis have burned copies of holy Quran in Behsud as they burned houses and schools. This happens while Afghan people are extremely outraged by Quran burning unintentionally committed by foreign forces at Bagram airbase.

The Taliban and Kuchis claim to be the pure Muslims and they call on others to follow their line of interpretation of Islamic teachings. But unfortunately we see copies of Holy Quran are set ablaze by the very hardline people that claim to be the true Muslims. Earlier,Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, leader of People's Unity Party of Afghanistan and a popular MP and a senior leader of National Front condemned repeated attacks by the Taliban and Kuchis on the central regions.

He was speaking on the first anniversary of the slain chairman of the provincial council of Bamyan, JawadZahak, and said, "At this age of democracy, we fall victim every year, we become homeless every year."

Now that the government itself admits to the fact that Taliban are involved in carrying out attacks in Behsud and Daimerdad, the following question arises, 'Why is the Afghan government not launching military operation in the area to push back the insurgents?' As has been warned by Haji Mohammad Muhaqiq, the Behsud conflict would have severe unwanted outcomes.

The government knows it but is deliberately silent.
The international community and the UN should take notice of the issue and pressurize the Karzai administration to take action against Kuchis and Taliban who collectively launch attacks on the innocent and peace-loving people of Behsud and Daimerdad.