Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Schools’ Closure Needs Attention

Ghazni has been one of the most insecure provinces. The Taliban havemaintained their increasing influence in some of the districts of thisprovince, from where they launch attacks into the provincial capital as well asinto other districts. The Taliban militants have kept the routes to somedistricts insecure, creating problems for the passengers and local peopletravelling back and forth to the provincial capital and Kabul.

Insecurityappears to have been increasing since the snow has melt down. The deteriorating situation andclosure of many schools in this province calls for the attention of thegovernment as well as international security forces. Ghazni is named the capital of Islamic civilization for the year 2013.

There is a need for launch and conduct of development projects in the provincein order to make it actually look as a capital of Islamic civilization based onits historical background and grandeur as well as its actual appearance interms of urban development and level of education.

But unfortunately theTaliban insurgents have been able to stop development and reconstructionprojects in this province over the last ten years. As 2013 approaches, theTaliban continue to further mount their efforts to block the development andreconstruction projects in order to demonstrate their presence and influence inthis province on the basis of ideological connection.

So Afghan government and international forces must pay serious attention tosecurity situation of Ghazni province in order to lay the ground for speedingup and accelerating the development and reconstruction projects to make itready for 2013.

In the meanwhile, Afghan and international forces must launchand carry out some clear, hold and rebuild operations to dismantle the nerveand base the Taliban insurgents have built in this province so as to allow thechildren to go to schools and get education.

The people in Ghazni province canno longer tolerate the closure of their schools and continue to see theirchildren remain deprived of education. They cannot wait for an ineffective andflawed peace and reconciliation process to produce results.

International andAfghan security forces must carry out some operations to drive the militantsout of the province. Even if a peace deal is struck at the leadership level,there is a high possibility that local Taliban militants will continue toimpose their strict ideological and traditional views with regards to educationand women.

So the people in Ghazni province to want remain under the sway ofthe Taliban, in which case they will have be under the influence of Taliban'sideology and their extremist traditional views if any peace deal is struck.