Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Delhi-Washington Agree on Trilateral Talks with Kabul

many issues unresolved in the country.

Security and economic infra-structure development are the problems that have been haunting Afghanistan for a long time. Though international community has supported Afghanistan to a great extent to overcome these issues, it is yet to go a long way in this regard.

Moreover, after the announcement of International Security Assistance Force's (ISAF) decision to withdraw completely from Afghanistan in 2014, the challenges for Afghanistan seem to be immense. It needs to exert miraculous efforts to be able to maintain peace and tranquility in the country.

The role of regional countries in this regard is really very important. Recently, there have been some regional meetings as well that have shown the growing efforts on the part of neighboring countries to support Afghanistan in overcoming the challenges of security and economic development. And, India is one of the countries with the most immediate response in this regard.

The aim of Kabul-Delhi-Washington consultation has been said to be for promoting a stable, democratic, united, sovereign and prosperous Afghanistan. Already, Afghanistan has inked Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) with India and the US, allowing the two countries to continue supporting the Afghan government over a long period after the withdrawal of NATO troops.

The trilateral talks will bring them further close. Moreover, it would be helpful in creating the positive role of India in Afghanistan, which has been striving for a strong and reputable place in the regional politics. The US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, welcomed India's hosting of the Delhi Summit on Investment in Afghanistan on June 28 in New Delhi and she along with the Indian External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna looked forward to the July 8 Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan.

Both the leaders emphasized that India and US intend to explore opportunities to work together to promote Afghanistan's development, including in areas such as agriculture, mining, energy, capacity building and infrastructure.

Though these commitments are really positive for the future of Afghanistan, it is necessary that they should be pursued with determined efforts and must not fulfill the political objectives, alone.