Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

How Concerns about Post-2014 are Legitimate?

Russian ambassador to Afghanistan has warned about the post-NATO withdrawal situation in Afghanistan. During a trip to Mazar-e-Sharif,AndreyAvetisyan has stated that there is no reason seen to indicate that the situation in Afghanistan will get better after the completion of NATO drawdown from Afghanistan. He has expressed his country's concern that Afghanistan could turn into base for terrorism. This concern is shared by many political parties and groupings in Afghanistan as well. There are some solid reasons to make these worries legitimate;

1) The Taliban militants continue to carry out terrorist and suicide attacks in different parts of the country. They still enjoy financial and political support by networks in the region. President Hamid Karzai has no political will to direct Afghan and foreign forces to tackle the brutal Taliban insurgency until 2014, the two remaining years

. In fact, President Karzai is paving the way internally for the Taliban to take over or share power in 2014 when the make or break presidential election is held. Once the Taliban get into power, they will revive their connection with the extremist/fundamentalist and terrorist networks in the region and beyond to challenge the interests of Western countries and destabilize the region both South Asia and the Central Asian countries.

2) When foreign forces leave, they will take a bulk of the international money and interactions with them. There will be more unemployment providing the opportunity for the Taliban to recruit the jobless youths.

3) President Karzai's corrupt government has alienated Afghan people. There is a deep and wide gap generated between the government and Afghan people because of corruption and inefficiency in the government. Though President Karzai rhetorically promises to fight corruption and improve governance in the next two years of his term, the corruption is too widespread and too thick to be eliminated in the next two years. In addition, the President will definitely remain engaged in internal politics in attempt to cling to power or to transfer it to his own brother or team of favorites. In fact, he has already started this campaign.

Unfortunately, he is attempting to abuse his current power and authority to intimidate and weaken all the other viable political parties and coalitions that could easily defeat his backed candidate or team. He knows that Afghan people are tired of him and will not support his favorites again, so he has started a bullying campaign to intimidate and blackmail the viable opponents in advance.