Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

HPC Sending Delegation to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan

The peace and reconciliation process initiated by Karzai administration and backed by the international community is deemed an appropriate way to end the conflict in Afghanistan. Nonetheless, even minor achievement in this regard is not observable. The High Peace Council (HPC) formed to facilitate peace talks with Taliban has itself become a target of militancy.

Last year its head, BurhanuddinRabbani was killed in his own home while this year it lost one of its prominent members MaulviArsalaRahmani who was assassinatednear his home in a highly fortified area of Kabul. By such killings the Taliban have clearly indicated their intention that they want to fight and would not negotiate. All efforts aimed at bringing peace to Afghanistan is fading away as the Taliban insurgents have continued their targeted killings, suicide bombings, IED attacks and other sorts of violence.

With all the despair, the HPC says it is sending a delegation to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan in the near future to urge the two countries to play their constructive roles in bringing Taliban to the table of negotiation. M. Ismail Qasimyar, HPC's International Affairs Advisers expressing optimism about the upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan said, "Our delegation would urge Saudi Arabia to efficiently utilize its religious and political influence on Pakistan and Taliban leaders."

It Needs to mentioned here that HPC has sent such delegations to both the mentioned countries in the past too. Despite, promises by both Saudi and Pakistani authorities to push the Taliban towards peace talks, all in vain. Both the Islamic countries are believed to have great influence on the Taliban leadership and it was Saudi Arabia and Pakistan who had formally recognized Taliban's Emirate of Afghanistan.

Taliban, as the most powerful resisting force against US-led NATO forces and Afghan government, have their own sets of principles and ideology that keep them fighting. They are against all democratic and modern-world values. There is no need to be optimistic that interferences by countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan would bring any positive change to Taliban. They may sit for negotiation but would emphasize on their own conditions such as implementation of Shariah and prohibition of women from work and education.

At a time, when the international forces are set to withdraw completely from Afghanistan by 2014, Taliban's hope to regain power in Afghanistan has multiplied. This hope prevents them from talking peace with the government of Afghanistan whichis mostly pronounced 'western puppet' by Taliban.