Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Promising Step of China and Russia

In the recent Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) conference in China, Afghanistan was given observer status, and its two key members—China and Russia—emphasized on economic commitment to the country. The two global giants' economic and financial support promise came amidst severe discussion over the aftermath of foreign security forces pullout and mounting concern of Afghan civilians about post-2014 process. People are worried that radical elements will find the chance to tighten their grasp over the political establishment after completion of foreign military withdrawal, because government has gone too far to negotiate with insurgent groups enticing them to join the government.

While armed oppositions have not budged an inch, they ask for Shariah-based government that resembles the type of Taliban Shariah. But Afghan government moves ahead without consideration of the consequences. Government policies and negative role of various media which play right on lines of communal differences have led to creation of double standard in the country.

Just look to two following examples - Recently, Taliban-backed armed nomads (Kochis) attacked civilians in the Behsud and Dai mirdad districts. They killed and injured many people as well as burned their houses and mosques where holy Quran were kept. Pictures and clips released on social websites showed burned version of Holy Quran. But no civil reactions stoked against them. There was no protest in Kabul or any other cities to criticize the inhuman and un-Islamic reaction of Kochis,while, not much different thing happened in Bagram airfield. People were enraged and attacked on Afghan and foreign headquarters of security forces and numbers of people were killed.

Secondly, on daily basis people are killed as a result of Taliban suicide bombings and shooting innocent people, but there has not been mass movement formed against. While if few civilians are shot dead by foreign security forces that also as result of infiltration of militants among them, tone of voices change and words of occupation, devil, beyond tolerance, flow of politicians' mouth, which is really strange.

Amidst such level of anxiety, Afghanistan, being an observer in SCO and secondly promising commitment of China and Russia indeed came as unexpected rain. Both countries have highly influential role in restoration of peace and instability. Investment by China and Russia, on one hand, can be viewed as first step towards economic prosperity, on the other hand, as guarantee for political stability. Because both countries can weigh to pressurize countries which intend to play on Taliban chess game.