Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

International Model and Government’s Favors to the Taliban

When international community came into Afghanistan in 2001 after the fall of the Taliban to help Afghan people rebuild their country, it rekindled their hope for a better, peaceful and prosperous future. International community had two major roles to play:
1) To help secure and stabilize this troubled country.
2) To assist Afghans in their efforts to reconstruct and develop their country. International community followed a model that has failed to bear fruits. This was to allocate the bulk of international aid money to those who hit the international community back.

So in order to persuade them to stop hitting back, international community with the help of biased government officials send the aid money into these trouble areas. This model was premised on the presumption that poverty breeds insecurity and militancy. It was perhaps assumed that people in the south and east are poorer. But the fact was and is that people in the north and central highlands were and are poorer.

In fact, people in these areas were in double suffering- on one hand, they were reeling from trauma of massacres perpetrated by the Taliban. On the other hand, they were/are grappling with backbreaking poverty. But they never hit/shot any Afghan or international forces. Instead, they silently backed the political process and the presence of international community in Afghanistan.

The bitter fact is that international aid money not only could not convince the bad guys to stop hitting but also contributed to the resurgence and strengthening of the Taliban and other militants. Some government officials established security or transportation companies to provide security for and transport the supplies of international forces. They paid the Taliban militants based on secret deals. In this way, the Taliban militants and their recruits benefited from international aid money, profits gained from poppy products, drug trafficking, and the money provided by sponsors of fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists.

After international community realized that this model was not working, Afghan presidential office presented reintegration and reconciliation plan. This also directly benefits the Taliban and other militants that continue to kill, injure, destroy and burn. Presidential office, in fact, did two favors to the Taliban:
1) It paved the way for them to benefit from international aid money under the name of reconciliation or peace-making programs.
2) It tried to wash away the stains of brutality, violence and atrocities by calling them as unhappy brothers with the right cause to kill and destroy.