Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Indiscriminate Killing of Innocents in Quetta, Pakistan

Sectarianviolence is turning Baluchistan to the blood stream of innocent lives, On Saturday, 23, June, 2012 the city witnessed another target attack on innocent citizens. Eight people were shot death and four others injured in a recent attack on a laundry shop in Baluchistan, Pakistan. This is the second insurgents attack during the last two weeks of this month.

On June, 18, 2012,Lashkar-e-Jangavi, an extremists group,targeted IT university bus which took sixinnocentstudents' lives including a female and several others were injured. The responsibility of Saturday's attack is not claimed by anygroup yet. According to the initial investigations by the senior police official IskandarTareen, "The designers of this attack are the settlers who had come from the other provinces of Pakistan."

And according to the police official SalimShahwani'sdeclarationof the incident to media, "The attackers were from Panjab province." On the other hand, police officials are suspecting the separatists groups of Baluchistan regarding the incident, because there have beenseveral differences between the central government and some Baluch groups during the last decades.

Balochistan is a gas rich region and people of Balochistan but some groups in the province claim that they are neglected by the central government. Such reactions got strength during the regime of former Pakistani President, PervaizMusharaf, who opted to crush some of the opposition in the province through military strength.

Though he had the option of strengthening the confidence level of the people of the province on the central government through political wisdom, but he opted otherwise and the outcomes are to be seen even today.

Recently, the security situation has created fear among the civilians in Pakistan, especially in Baluchistan province. Balochistan has witnessed several attacks that havecaused hundreds of innocent lives to be killed. The targets are particularly the minority groups in Baluchistan.

But the government of Pakistan has not taken any practical action yetagainst the insurgencies in the province though the extremist groups such as Lashkar-e-Jangavi has claimed the responsibilities of the attacks in Baluchistan. It is believed that Lashkar e Jangavi has relations with Al-Qaeda and has no tolerance for the people of the opposite sect or different religion.

Both the provincial and central governments need to take serious notice of the targeted killings and acts of terrorism in Baluchistan by the groups like Lashkar e Jangavi. Otherwise, they can get out of control.