Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Political Mayhem in Egypt

The ruling military council warned protestors for disruption of peace and stability amidst anxiety over the strange and complicated political processes. The situation moves ahead in a way that increases the possibility of civil uprising and revolt in the country. Earlierthis month the constitutional Supreme Court revoked the result of parliamentary election in which Islamist groups, particularly Muslim Brotherhood captured major parts of the parliamentary seats. The result of election was previously approved by election committee, a valid legal body.

However, the constitutional court had the right to revoke the result but the move was made too late and completely came as surprise. It was expected previously that it discredited part of the result, but not annulation of the entire result. The measure of constitutional court set the situation on roller-coaster of panic. Opposition leaders labeled it as coup against themselves. The announcement pulled demonstrators back to Tahrir Square, partly, but they generally set eyes on the position of political parties who finally yielded to constitutional court vote.

The second step was the announcement of Military Council of keeping high stage in new establishment and new President should take oath in front of the Council.

Meanwhile, the Military Council is widely blamed for strengthening the pillars of their power and has no willing to hand over power to civil government, while it consistently has rejected the allegation and promised to hand over authority right after the establishment of new people-oriented government.

The ruling uncertainty and confrontation of Mohammad Mursi and Ahmad Shafiq'ssupporters over the result of presidential election is another issue which deals blow to smooth transition.

In either case; whether Ahmad Shafiq wins or Mohammad Mursi, the country would be embedded into instability or civil uprising. It is highly possible that civil uprising might be resumed once again. Elected president MohammdaMursi should deal with range of problematic issues which would continue at the landscape.