Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Afghanistan’s Last Resort: Free, Fair& Transparent Election

The Karzai administration has awfully failed to render what the international communityand most importantly, the people of Afghanistan expected from it. Failure after failure has resulted in the public and international trust over Afghan government to fade away. With escalation of insecurity and political instability, hope for a stable and prosperous Afghanistan is dying in the hearts of common Afghans.

Afghanistan still faces grave constraints due to the worst level of security, rampant corruption, drug trafficking, incapable government entities and lack of justice, rule of law, good governance and measures to prevent violation of human rights.

If a public survey takes place and the people are asked to rate Mr. Karzai's performance in the last ten years, one can say with confidence that the result will put him in the list of the most inefficient Presidents of the world. Lack of transparency and accountability in Afghan government has caused the billion dollars of foreign aids for this country to go futile. The aids have had little or no impact on uplifting the living standard of Afghan people. Today, people are more entrapped in unemployment and vicious circle of poverty than ever before.

The withdrawal plan of NATO troops is to put Afghanistan at further menace of economic downfall and return of insurgents' rule. The international commitment to support Afghanistan for a long term beyond 2014 and Afghanistan's strategic partnerships agreements with a number of economically and politically strong countries are encouraging. Nonetheless, all those efforts will bear no sweet fruit for Afghanistan if the administration remains as corrupt and incapable as today.

To successfully handle the post-2014 scenario, Afghanistan would need a change in its administration - an administration that can direct Afghans towards aneconomically, socially and politically prosperous future. For such a change,the next presidential election has the most crucial role to play. Only a completely free, fair and transparent election can lead Afghanistan out of the current political turmoil.

The Independent Election Commission (IEC), whose authorities are currently under direct influence of presidential palace, must be autonomous in real terms so that it performs its responsibilities in the best national interest.

An election marred with allegations of fraud – as were the previous two presidential elections – can cause Afghanistan collapse all-at-once as such election would no more be bearable to the peace loving people of Afghanistan. Therefore, the international community which has been working to put Afghanistan on the track of peace and stability must make sure that measures for conducting a free, fair and transparent presidential election are in place.