Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Growing Joblessness and Despair in Afghanistan

Based on the data from Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA), the number of unemployed people is over 800,000 in the country, although it is hard to get accurate figure in Afghanistan. Unofficial figures put the number of people with not employment at over a million. A big portion of that figure is formed by youth.

The economy of Afghanistan is not creating adequate job opportunities to address the growing needs of masses. The condition is so despite the fact that billions of dollars of aid has been poured in Afghanistan by international community in the last ten years.

The process still continues. At such an important juncture one can ask, if Afghanistan is failing to provide job opportunities at present, what will be its condition after 2014 when the withdrawal process of NATO troops will complete? About 40,000 Afghans working in NATO military bases and other foreign NGO's are to lose their employments with drawdown of US-led forces.

Bad security and massive corruption are major reasons for low employment rate in Afghanistan. Relatively good security prevails only in capital and a few major cities of Afghanistan like Mazar e Sharif and Herat. Taliban are continuing to practice violence by killing civilians and people associated to government or foreign countries. It has been successful to hamper all kinds of important works vital to strengthen the backbone of Afghan economy and create jobs.

Meanwhile, corruption is present almost in every government organization. Although President Karzai has been under high pressure from West for not doing anything against corruption, according to his views, foreign offices are no exception and there have been massive corruption in contracts that are singed directly between Afghans and foreign offices without government having control over them.

The beneficiary of all weaknesses and pitfalls in the government is the Taliban. Taliban are not holding government in Afghanistan. Yet it is a good employment provider, according to many people. The salaries Taliban pay, is much higher than what government is paying to civil servants.

For a notable number of Afghan youth, working with Taliban is preferable and easier than becoming a government employee or travelling illegally abroad. Taliban continue to recruit youngsters who are disappointed and hopeless about the government's doings to solve their problems. Those youngsters who have resembling ideology as that of extremists are even voluntarily joining the ranks of Taliban. This has been dangerous trend and has far negative prospects for the country.