Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Resumption of NATO Supply Route

The NATO supply route, after many controversies, was announced on Tuesday, July 03, to be resumed. Much of the supplies for the NATO throughout the war against terrorism have moved through Pakistan. The supply route was blocked by Pakistan after an airstrike from NATO, which was claimed to be a mistake, killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, in November last year.

Pakistan demanded that US should formally announce an apology for the incident; moreover, it should halt the drone attacks in Pakistan. US officials, as a response, had regretted but they avoided offering an apology, as they considered the incident to be a mistake from both sides. However, on Tuesday, the US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, offered an apology to the Pakistani Foreign Minister, Hina Rabbani Khar. She, in a statement, said they were sorry for the losses suffered by the Pakistani military. She also offered sincere condolences to the families of the Pakistani soldiers who lost their lives.

The blockade of the route was definitely causing difficulties for the war in Afghanistan. US, while following other routes, had to pay a larger sum of money, which was causing difficulties for maintaining the war budget, which is already facing a lot of controversies in US both within politicians and the public.

The resumption of the route will definitely support the war; moreover, it would serve as an important transit as the international troops continue withdrawing from Afghanistan. Moreover, it would be helpful in improving the relations of US and Pakistan, which would ultimately be helpful for Afghanistan. It is necessary that the war in Afghanistan should reach to a decisive end before the international troops withdraw from the country completely and the resumption will definitely support in doing so; provided that other necessary steps are taken in that regard.

It is also necessary that Pakistan should keep on supporting the war against terrorism, which would be helpful for both Afghanistan and Pakistan and the region as a whole. Even more important is the fact that Pakistan should hold an enduring position in this regard and play its due role in the region.

It is important to note that it would not be an easy task to support the route to function as it did earlier. There would be many difficulties. The public opinion in Pakistan has been influenced to a great extent to be inclined towards the blockade of the route. Moreover certain religious and political parties and groups in Pakistan have vehemently opposed the resumption of the route.

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan has even threatened that it would target the supplies. It, in a statement has said that the resumption of Nato supply line showed the slavish nature of the Pakistani government; the resumption was a disrespect to the blood of those soldiers who sacrificed their lives in Salala check point while guarding the borders. So, it would not be an easy sail for Pakistani authorities to follow the route resumption; nevertheless, they have to show determined efforts.

From Afghanistan's point of view, it is necessary that the war against terrorism should reach to a conclusive end, as it is the only way that can guarantee lasting peace in Afghanistan and the region. Therefore, all the hindrances that may cause inconvenience to such a conclusion are not recommended for scenario in Afghanistan. So, it is necessary that US, NATO and Pakistan should assist Afghanistan in achieving and maintaining peace and tranquility in the country.

Throughout the war against terrorism there have been many controversies among US, Pakistan and Afghanistan that have influenced the war negatively. Furthermore, misunderstandings and immaturities, in this regard, will definitely not give another chance to amend or improve the situation.