Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Ranjbar Asks Karzai to Intervene in his Case

Abdul KabirRanjbar, the former MP was accused of rape and kidnapping last week. He was arrested on June 23, 2012 and had been in police custody for 48 hours; then, he was released off the custody. He claimed that the accusation case by Attorney General against him was illegal and no one officially headed to investigate him during the 48 hours of his being in police custody. He asked President Hamid Karzai to interfere in his case and defend his political career.

Mr.Ranjbar in an interview to BBC news told that he had been the victim of a family allegation and his opponents were trying to make the case complicated and use it as a political revenge against him. Moreover he added that his accusation case was nothing more than a family matter. He further declared that the girl he had been accused of raping was his official wife. He had married her officially and they have got a son as well.

He further detailed that the Attorney General had arrested him illegally the officials did not have any legal documents to prove the accusation. He said "I will not hesitate to use any sorts of legal and human rights acts against the Attorney General to defend my political and social background."

In addition, the former MP said that he was still waiting for President to take action for defending his case. He urged the President to personally follow his case and should investigate the Attorney General that why a well-known political and human rights activist was being arrested? Why was he released, if he was involved in any criminal acts?

He added that President Hamid Karzai would study the case personally and would notify the nation via media so as to assure the nation that the accusation case against him was nothing more than a political game to blacklist his personality.

Mr. Ranjbar is hopeful that he will not comprise in his case and is expected to make sure the constitution is being deployed accordingly in the country. Initially, the case was so hot and the Attorney General had strongly condemned him of committing such a crime.

But the silence of Attorney General regarding the case is now controversial and seems like they do not have level of required authorization to implement the laws and order accordingly. It makes no difference who ever the criminal be; a common civilian or a high ranked government official; the laws and order should be imposed properly and accordingly without any sort of lame excuses. The case should deeply be studied by the authorized officials and prove the appropriate establishment of the constitution in the country.