Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Clinton’s Visit and Karzai’s Remarks

Afghanistan has been categorized as one of the main allies of the United States of America outside NATO member states. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the US secretary of state paid a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Saturday, July 07, 2012. During her visit, she declared Afghanistan as one of the US's main non-NATO allies. She was said to have paid a visit to Afghanistan a day before Tokyo Conference to assess the situation in this country.

This happens two days after President Hamid Karzai accused international community of conducting a psychological warfare against his country. Talking to a national peace Jirga of youths, President Karzai said, "Today the US has power, interferes (in Afghanistan's affairs), if we had power, we would also go to Washington to build government, a puppet government; if we had power, we would also install a President in Washington that would obey Afghanistan's interest, interfere in their elections to have our own puppet, as they did." The President does not know what to do.

What is construed from this statement is that Mr. Karzai is a puppet and is serving others' interests. In the meanwhile, Afghan people widely reacted to President Karzai's remarks. They believe that the President is extremely confused and does not know what to say. International community is supposed to pledge their aid to Afghanistan in Tokyo Conference that kicks off on Sunday, July 08. But observers and analysts are of the view that international community does not trust President Karzai's government anymore.

Earlier, the National Front of Afghanistan, the main political opposition, said that even if international community pledges the required financial assistance, it will not be effective under the current corrupt government. The Front called for fundamental changes to political structures in order to pave the way for good governance and a corruption-free and accountable government. Faizullah Zaki, the spokesman for the Front, said that such illegal actions by the government had resulted in the creation of a mafia-controlled economy and a protectionist policy.

Also, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, the leader of Natioanl Coalition of Afghanistan, the second largest political opposition criticized the document prepared by Karzai's government to be submitted to the participants in Tokyo conference. He stated that vital issues such as fighting corruption and good governance have not been incorporated into the document. Dr. Abdullah also termed President Karzai's remarks as embarrassing.