Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

International Aid Money and Karzai’s Corrupt Government

International community has pledged to provide $16 billion to Afghanistan to help it strengthen its economic infrastructures. This aid money is mainly dedicated to the "decade of transformation" that begins after 2014 when international forces are slated to fully transition the security responsibility for Afghanistan to the country's own national security forces. International community made the pledge in Tokyo conference held on Sunday, July 08, 2012.

Representatives from more than seventy nations and international organizations have participated in the conference. In his address to the conference, President Hamid Karzai committed to stamping out corruption from his government. President Karzai said that insecurity is the main obstacle in the way of his country's progress. This happens while many observers are of the view that President Karzai's government is part of the problem and contributes to the growing insecurity in Afghanistan.

Here are some of the reasons why his government is invigorating problem:
1) Corruption runs rampant across his administration but he is unwilling or unable to address it. He is unwilling because he has established a corrupt network of people that he can use when needed for elections and other political maneuvering. He is unable because he has lost his required legitimacy and credibility among Afghan people and political parties.

2) The President has emboldened the Taliban and other cruel insurgents by calling them his brothers. As a result, international and Afghan forces are not able to design and implement an effective military strategy to reverse the Taliban and other militants' momentum. So they continue to kill people and destroy things.

3) President Karzai not only calls those who kill and destroy his brothers but also labels international community that has come to help Afghan achieve peace as occupying forces. Just two days before Tokyo conference, President Karzai stated that the US has power to interfere in Afghanistan in order to install a puppet government and appoint a puppet President. He wished to have the power to install a doll President and government in Washington.

Participants of Tokyo conference stressed on reforms to maintain the gains made over the last ten years. It should be mentioned that international community must help reform the political structures fundamentally in order to make good governance possible. Otherwise, President Karzai with too much power concentrated in his hands and not feeling accountable to the parliament and nation will begin to call international community as occupying forces and corrupt organizations once he gets back to Kabul.