Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Anti-Taliban Public Uprising

Public uprising against the Taliban is getting widespread as the Taliban continue to terrorize and close down schools and deprive children of education. The Taliban attacked a district in Paktia province but they were driven out of the area by Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) with the help of local people.

According to Abdul Rahman Mangal, the deputy governor of Paktia, "400 Taliban militants made an incursion overnight to destroy the district governor's office but the security forces with the help of local people defeated them."

In the meanwhile, officials in Nuristan province have reported growing public resistance against the Taliban. Some MP's have said that the Taliban raided a school to close it down but the teachers and students did not allow the Taliban. This happens while President Hamid Karzai has said that the Taliban have accepted to negotiate with the government on peace plan. The President has called the meeting that was held two weeks ago between representatives from the Taliban, Hezb-e-Islam and High Peace Council as successful. The Taliban are yet to denounce violence, break links with the networks of terrorists in the region and beyond and accept the constitutional values.

The Taliban recently perpetrated another brutality against a woman. According to Afghan officials, a member of the Taliban, last week, shot dead a woman accused of adultery in front of a crowd in the village of Qimchok of Shinwari district. In a three-minute video, which is available on internet, a turban-clad man approaches a woman kneeling in the dirt and shoots her five times at close range with an automatic rifle, to cheers of jubilation from the 150 or so men watching the execution. But president Karzai continues to pursue his pro-Taliban policy.

A day after Tokyo conference, the President said, "On release of Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo bay, it should be said that we support it. Three months ago, we sent a delegation to Guantanamo and it interviewed the Taliban prisoners. We want the release of the Taliban prisoners. If they come to Afghanistan, we welcome them and they can go to Qatar and join their families if they so choose."

There is a wide gap between what the Taliban are doing and President Karzai's continued appeasement of these evil forces. The uprising in Ghazni and recently in Paktia and Nuristan provinces show that the Taliban are a hated force among the people but President Karzai is insistent upon humanizing this evil force.