Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Internet is More Exhaustive than a Manual Library

Internet, the modern source of exchanging and networking technology, has simplified access to resources and information all over the world. It has changed the living style and way of communications. Browsing a page of search engine like GOOGLE provides you hundreds of resource links regarding your search. Using the cost efficient communication tools such as e-mail systems, massaging tools such as Skype, YM, and Google Talks are replacing the expensive telecommunication system.

Voice over IP (Internet Protocol) is another clear and advanced form of the emerging technology which provides video conferences over the internet. We are living in leading world of digital technology. Access to resources in this digitalized and colonized world is much easier in comparison to the past.

There is no resource which is not available on the internet, by roaming around on the internet for some minutes; you can find any resource you need. On the other hand, access to a manual library is cost consuming and sometimes difficult to find the required resources from a single library containing thousands of book.

For example, in the past the researchers and writers were supposed to travel country to country just to find a book related to their research studies. Ibn-e-Sina, the ancient Eastern chemist, used to travel country to country for many times in order to find a resource related to his research studies. Internet is more convenient, practical and much bigger than a manual library.

But along all the advantages, internet sometimes lacks accuracy. Usually, the resources that are available on the internet are not all the time academic and trust-worthy. It depends on how precisely and intelligently we grab the resources available on the internet.

On the other hand, books are the primary and traditional source of information. Before the invention of modern technologies such as computer, Radio, Television, and internet, we had books and newspapers as source of information for our research studies. The good points about book are its reliability and accuracy.

We can at least be sure of the reality and creditability of the information in the book. However, the preferred books are not available in most cases. It is time and cost consuming to find the desired books within a single library.

Finally, internet is practical, exhaustive and convenient source of access to the required information but lacks accuracy and creditability in comparison to a normal library. A manual library is cost consuming time overwhelming and lacks availability, but is reliable and creditable.