Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

A Crucial Period in Strategic Relations

Pakistan was hit by a wave of terrorist bombings Friday. The assault killed and wounded dozens of Pakistani military trainees at a military compound. The Pakistani Taliban spokesman claimed responsibility for the attack and said it was the beginning of a series of avenging operations to be held in Pakistan following the death of Al Qaeda Mastermind, Osama Bin Laden, in the Pakistani Abbottabad.

The violence comes as Pakistani government is hardly grappling with the consequences caused by Osama murder in its foreign relations. The US-Pakistani strategic partnership is, analysts say, on the verge of a crucial change. Pakistani presidents' recent trip to Moscow is, by some experts, interpreted as a possible U-turn in US-Pakistan fragile relations.

US congressmen have asked Obama administration to rethink the country's relations with Pakistan. US officials believe that certain elements inside Pakistani government have been providing supports to the terrorist mastermind while hiding in Pakistan for years. His administration has asked its Pakistani ally to launch investigations against the supporting network for Osama inside the government. However, Pakistan has denied claims saying that the country's army intelligence body, the ISI, has had ties with the world's most wanted notorious fugitive. Instead, they have warned against further drone strikes having been launched by United States intelligence agency across Afghan-Pakistani border.

No need to say, the war on terror is far from over unless militancy is uprooted in the region, especially in the terrorism hotbed, Pakistan's tribal belt. For getting the job done, the international community needs to get Pakistan's role in the process reinforced. The US administration has reiterated that, despite tense relations with Pakistan, the US will not risk any damage in bilateral ties with it.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a blunt announcement saying that Pakistan still held substantial significance to get the process moving. In spite of edgy relations between the two allies, both need to considerately carry on cooperation to bring an end to the scourge of terrorism, with the other world and regional actors continuing contributions.