Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

An Upcoming Major Operation in Aleppo

The former chief of United Nations peace observers in Syrian, Gen. Mood, has said that Bashar al-Assad would soon collapse but it does not mean that 16-month long insecurity also may end. He has told to
Reuters that any government turning against its people will finally collapse. He talked about the possibility of fall of the regime when UN's human rights higher commissioner, Navanethem Pillay expressed her deep concern over the breakout of a major fight in the Aleppo city.

He asked all sides to hold all efforts for the protection of civilians. Indeed, the issue of civilian casualties has changed into a core topic in the international sphere discussions. Authentic reports show that not only security forces but also rebellions are guilty in this case.

Though foreign media do not have access to the country, but according to the United Nations reports more than 16 thousand have been killed since the start of uprising 16 months ago. Now the attention has turned to an upcoming muscular maneuver of government and armed oppositions in the second largest city, Aleppo. Part of the city has fallen to the hands of anti-government armed coalition.

Damascus is preparing for a major operation in order to pull oppositions out of the city because it is highly important both from economic and political points of view for the regime. If the regime fails to recapture the city that will simply mean start of countdown for decades long-rule of President Assad. Oppositions clearly understand the issue and will also try their best to maintain control over the city.

Days of struggle in the Damascus finally ended with clear victory of security forces and now they are deeply engaged in house search in areas which were the scene of fighting. In other word, there is no potential danger at least for now in the capital. Now Damascus is able to send part of its force to Aleppo for the crackdown, which is labeled as mother of all battles in the country.

Meanwhile, the Damascus officials have said that after defeating rebellions in Aleppo, they will celebrate the failure of Turkish plan. Turkey has held tough position against the President Assad and recently Rajab Taiyyeb Ordogan openly talked about the collapse of the regime.

However, it is not clear who will be the winner in the upcoming struggle, but civilian casualties will mount and that is something international community will only express regret about, nothing else.