Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

ANSF’s Laudable Performance

Early Thursday, in an operation, the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) killed seven terrorists hiding just outside the capital Kabul. The terrorists had planned to launch complex sorts of attacks at several points in Kabul city. Five of the insurgents blew themselves up with explosives. Police shot and killed the remaining men a few hours after dawn.

The forces found three cars full of explosives and ammunition in the compound, along with rocket launchers and machine guns, National Directorate of Security (NDS) said. This is a major achievement for ANSF. The terror plan, if had not been foiled could result in the death of innocent Afghan civilians.

Such successful operations will definitely result in the increased public trust over Afghan security forces. Kabul has been one of the top targets of terrorists. Scores of attacks launched by terrorist in Kabul over the last ten years have killed hundreds of innocent people including women and children.

Taliban who pronounce themselves as strict followers of codes of Islam continue to spread terror in the holy month of Ramadan – a month in which the holy Quran was completed and is the most sacred month for the Muslim world. This establishes the fact that Taliban utilize the religion of Islam as a tool to reach their evil objectives. In the last decade, the people of Afghanistan have witnessed Taliban attacks even on sacred places such as mosques and shrines. Our people must no more look at them with positively and give a hand to ANSF to defeat Taliban.

Time has come for Afghan army and police to show their capability. The US led NATO forces are set to withdraw by the end of 2014 and there are serious concerns over the ability of Afghan security forces to stand on their own against the enemies of Afghanistan. Despite that, ANSF serves as the greatest hope for Afghan people at times when their country is standing at the crucial and decisive juncture.

The performance of Afghan intelligence and ANSF that resulted in the prevention of the terrorists who wanted to launch attacks and kill the innocent Afghans indicate their growing competency. Nonetheless, they have still a long way to go as Afghanistan is entrapped by the worst security situation. Defending Kabul alone should not be the objective; people in other 33 provinces of Afghanistan would also need security against the growing attacks by insurgents.