Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Complexity of Situation in Syria

With the defection of Prime Minister, Riyad Hijab, on Monday, the Syrian government received another blow and revealed a growing sentiment for oppositions within the administration. It was claimed that along with Riyad Hijab, three of his cabinet members also defected and fled from the country, but the report has not been approved by credential source.

However, defection from the government started simultaneous to civil uprising seventeen months ago, but recently the process has accelerated. Some top Damascus finally have made their decision and announced their abhorrence from spiraling violence and brutality of security forces. The defection comes amidst severe battle between security forces and armed oppositions in the second largest city of Syria, Aleppo.

According to reports, oppositions are under mounting pressure as helicopters, jets and army snipers have put rebellions in hard position. Rebels were running low on ammunition as President Bashar al-Assad's forces encircled their stronghold at the southern entrance.

Assad has reinforced his troops in preparation for an assault to recapture rebel-held districts of Aleppo after repelling fighters from most of Damascus. In spite of overwhelming support and sympathy from neighboring country, still rebels are labeled as true representative of Syrian people.

Indeed, the truce plan brokered by former United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Koffi Annan, was not put into practice by both sides. Both government and oppositions were guilty for its failure. Moreover, suicide bombings and clips released on youtube draw indeed a harsh picture from rebellions.

Few days ago, four government supporters were showed in a video vivid signs of torture on their body were executed somewhere in the Aleppo which brought about global condemnation. Thus, western countries support the revolution in Syria, but wariness can be read out of their eyes and faces.

They are worried that the continuance of violence and instability finally end to strengthening of terror groups like al-Qaeda. Perhaps, presently it is too hard to reject that elements of al-Qaeda are not at the frontline of resistance against the regime. And high figures of al-Qaeda have also announced their presence with the military rank of anti-government struggle.

Therefore, the situation in Syria is completely complicated. Though, many supports the collapse of Assad's regime and ratcheting up pressure to make him step down, meanwhile differences and the presence radical groups within the opposition coalition is worrisome. The only thing that the international community is doing advising both sides to avoid targeting civilians without finding a solution to end the human tragedy in the country.