Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

India is Anticipated to A Play Greater Role

The two-day visit of Indian premier to Afghanistan marks the profundity of relations based on mutual respect and a number of commonalities that both the countries have been enjoying since centuries. Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India on Friday May 13, 2011 addressed the parliament of Afghanistan. This made him the first foreign high authority to speak to Afghanistan's parliament in history. Speaking to the representatives of people he said that India would continue to support the peace and reconstruction process in Afghanistan and that terrorism was a common enemy of both the nations.

India's support to Afghanistan's prosperity is an undeniable fact. Currently billions of dollars worth development projects are being funded by the government of India. Tens of thousands of Afghan refugees are currently living in India and thousands of Afghan students have given scholarships in various universities of India. The people of Afghanistan have always welcomed Indian contribution as a chief donor to Afghanistan economic and social development.

Singh's visit comes just a few after Osama bin Laden's killing. Osama's death is deemed a major achievement in the counter-terrorism war. The United States sees the Afghan war giving positives results. Although violence has doubled, US government's reports conclude that Taliban have been driven back in their strongholds and are near to defeat. With this, the US and its allies (NATO) are eyeing to withdraw thousands of its forces from Afghanistan in the near future and gradually handover security responsibilities to Afghan security forces. It is anticipated that India, as neighbor of Afghanistan, will have to play greater role in strengthening Afghanistan before and beyond 2014.

Terrorism as a common enemy of Afghanistan and India is hampering economic and all sorts of development of both the nations and countries in the region. For a fast growing economy such as that of India, regional security is believed to have a critical role. Security in the region will continue to remain a dream until and unless the insurgency and extremism is eliminated from Afghanistan. In this regard, the world sees India's contribution as vital.