Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Better to Rein in Revengeful Militants

No doubt, on May 1, a good news travelled across the globe bringing relief to the much of the world. It apprised and informed of nothing but the killing of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan, surprisingly near the capital city of Islamabad. There was a huge sense and show of jubilation in the capital cities and leaders of the political stage of the world were shooting congratulatory messages. The attention was focused on the news itself, so thrilling and so joyous to have heard a lunatic top terrorist was humiliatingly killed after a decade of fleeing from cave to cave under the shadow of some intelligence.

As the sense of thrill subsided, the people across the world began to ask the question that how Osama Bin Laden was protected in Abbottabad and who protected him. But on Saturday, May 14, 2011 Pakistani parliament issued a resolution calling for review of ties with the United States of America. The parliament has done this action in reaction to violation of Pakistani sovereignty by the U.S. Special Forces that unilaterally raided the compound, where Osama was living.

After the security chiefs briefed Pakistani legislators, the parliament said, "Parliament ... condemned the unilateral action in Abbottabad which constitutes a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty."

The parliament also called for an end to the U.S. drone attacks, which target the militants in their hideouts in Pakistani soil. This happens while observers believe that the drone attacks should be increased and expanded and Pakistan must remove the limitations on them. The Pakistani parliament warned that Pakistan could cut supply lines to American forces in Afghanistan if there were more such attacks.

Observers and analysts on the other hand want the U.S. administration to shift its reliance on supply routes from Pakistan to middle Asian countries. While Pakistan still reels from the embarrassment caused by Osama death in its soil, it must be happy that this atrocious terrorist was killed and instead of adding to its embarrassment by issuing warnings and statements must work to rein in the terrorists and militants that have vowed to revenge for Bin laden's killing.