Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Waves of Suicide Bombings

Tuesday, August 14, was a deadly day for Afghan civilians: around fifty dead and more than hundred wounded, all in suicide bombing most likely carried out by notorious Taliban elements. Six suicide bombers targeted the restive province in the South, Nimroz. Three of them succeeded to detonate their explosives in three different parts of the Zaranj city, the center of the Province: first, in front of the central Hospital, second, near to national Radio and Television and third at a square.

The three attacks killed more than thirty people and injured tens of people. According to reports, hospitals in the city encountered shortage of medicine and bloods and many families transferred wounded ones far away to neighboring Herat province. Three suicide bombers whose targets remained unclear failed to carry out their missions and were shot dead by Afghan police.

On the same day, a suicide bomb devised on a motorbike went off in the Archi district of Qonduz province in the north. The explosion left 22 dead and more than thirty injured. However, no one has accepted the responsibility, but Taliban and its al-Qaeda ally are generally blamed for such attacks.

The wave of suicide bombings took lives of poor Afghan civilians while they were busy shopping for the holy Eid celebration. Nowadays, the bazars, markets and shopping malls are terribly crowded across the country as people are busy shopping for their Eid days.

There are reports about possible infiltration of suicide bombers in the Kabul city and a group of six who had plan to attack on second vice president and parliament house were arrested. Reportedly, there are two other groups who are not discovered yet and hopefully they fail to shed bloods of Kabul residents, preparing to celebrate their religious festival.

Strangely, these attacks are carried out with religious cause. Suicide bombers are trained that they will directly meet Prophet Mohammad and go to paradise without any questionings. These attacks killed people who were fasting in this holy month of Ramadan, and had nothing to do with Afghan government or foreign allies, who according to Taliban’s Shariah interpretation are infidel or accomplice to infidels.

But perhaps, there is no justification for assassination of civilians, even according to the most radical interpretation of Shariah. So, why suicide bombers are taking care of civilians’ lives? The only answer is that, in the political philosophy of militants, people’s lives are of least importance. What is important is capturing political power and terrorism plays a key role to enable them reach their evil objectives.