Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Insider Attacks: NATO Demands Evidence for Karzai’s Remarks

Green on blue attacks that have resulted, since the beginning of this year, in the deaths of about 40 NATO soldiers mostly American. Such attacks and failures to prevent them have triggered anger among US citizens. Their question to the US government is: ‘Why are you still in country where your soldiers are killed by its security forces that have been trained, equipped and financed by you?’ Until recently the Karzai administration had kept a complete silence over the growing insider attacks depicting that such attacks is none of Afghan government’s business.

Nonetheless, the recent pressure from US authorities caused the Mr. Karzai to say that intelligence agencies of our neighboring countries were responsible for attacks on foreign forces by their Afghan counterparts or by Taliban fighters disguised as them. Such an instance by Karzai is nothing but an attempt to escape from his government’s responsibilities. This is the same as his stance on the rampant corruption and growing insecurity in the country.

The Taliban claim that they have infiltrated the ranks of Afghan National Army and Police and it is their sympathizers who launch attack on NATO forces. Mr. Karzai is apparently trying to gloss over this fact by not holding Taliban responsible for the green on blue attacks. That should be because of Karzai’s affection towards his ‘discontented brothers.’

Although according to a previous report by NATO, the Taliban were responsible for only about 10 percent of green on blue attacks, on Thursday US General John Allen, NATO commander in Afghanistan said the Taliban were involved in about quarter of such attacks. ‘Our view is about 25 percent,’ Allen said. He has also demanded intelligence evidence from Afghan government that could support the remarks by President Karzai that foreign spies were behind most of the attacks including those from neighboring countries - Pakistan and Iran.

Foreign meddling into the internal affairs of Afghanistan cannot be ruled out. Their interference in sensitive bodies of Afghanistan such as its intelligence, police and army is a very serious issue. It is the foremost responsibility of Afghan government to protect its security forces from such interference.

It should stop pointing fingers at others and with cooperation from NATO start cleaning and screening its soldiers so that the lost trust between Afghan and foreign forces can be regained and lives of soldiers who come to protect Afghan people’s life are no more at the risk being lost in the hand of those who they train.