Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Rise in Insurgent Attacks

Now the war on terror and against Al-Qaeda is going on for more than 10 years with lots of devotion but the ground gets worst for the local people and officials as each day passes. Mostly, a single action by the government or NATO forces against the insurgents had the worst consequences and created bold reactions of bloodshed in return. The increase in the insurgent activities is creating disappointment and destabilization in the region.

In this regard, the Ministry of Defense on July confirmed a report that there had been an 11 percent increase in insurgent activity in Afghanistan in the past three months that left dozens of innocent deaths. Thus, the report also indicates that they are returning to their losses as the American forces withdraw.

The report further adds that since June, we have seen the highest number of monthly attacks in almost two years with more than 3,000 incidents, including firefights and bomb blasts while the beheading of 15 students who were leaving to visit their families remained fully calm by the media coverage. They have relatively flourished as the ground has been freed for them from the US troops where now the ANF is taking the security responsibility.

As per the reports, they are creating their own rule of law (Sharia) in some parts of the region. Those who follow their rule and have their letter with them will not face any problem, while others suffer their wrath.

Most of the experts are in a view that seeing the increase in insurgents, even in most peaceful parts of the region, where violence has increased heavily, it is anticipated that the insurgency will attempt to increase its attacks, primarily using improvised explosive devices and small-arms fire in order to continue their attacks to return influence and safe havens and warn the world that they are still in large scale to be able to return in Kabul once again.

The constant insurgent attacks in various parts of Kabul city and provinces by targeting the high profile officials have worried the whole nation and even the Obama administration. This is something obvious that complicated the ground for the nation to decide about their faith after 2014, the exact deadline for the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Right now, the country is in a fast move towards insecurity growth while the government kept quite non-seriously about the ground realities. The nation, particularly the women activists are in strong believe that the same Taliban rule, but with different faces this time will rock the ground again soon after the US exits the region.

The Afghan National Forces for now seem week to be able to follow the same footprints of US. As a result, the prognostication by most of the experts is that the Taliban or Taliban like government may return after 2014 in Kabul once more.

Therefore, the only way out to save both the country and nation, there must be full extent support from the US and world at large in terms of security and stability. The world must support the Afghan people to arrange better governance with commitments in every term so that the nation could live in peace and without extremism after 2014.