Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Anti-Taliban Self-Motivated Rivalry Movements

During the last few months, a self-motivated armed group has emerged on the screen which has partially garnered the Media’s headline topics. The self-motivated movements by the so-called local people began from Ander district of Ghazni province under the leadership of Kamran who was initially an active member of Taliban in the district.

The main reasons behind such movements are deemed for reopening of the sealed schools, clinics and welfare activities by Taliban. The rivalries were only confined to Ander district for some months and had not created any tension for the government figures, but recently they have expanded the anti-Taliban movement to some other provinces that has created tension for the MPs in the parliament.

“Apparently, it is believed that such movements by the local residents against Taliban should be appreciated by the government and high ranked officials, but the decades of conflicts in the country has proved that such movement can raise up and alternative consequences in the future. It is better to urged that government should take over of such armed group.”

The lawmakers in Parliament debated on the issue on Monday, August 27, 2012. Fawzia Kufi, the representative of Laghman in the House, along condemning the movements has risen some questions that the government is responsible to answer in the future if it fails to regulate appropriately over such movements in the country.

1-They are equipped with the latest weapon technology and it is a matter of concern that who are facilitating them with the latest weapon technologies?
2-Who can ensure that their anti-Taliban movements’ project will not turn alternative consequences against the establishment of government?
3-The government is urged to make sure that they will not be misused by the neighboring countries’ agencies.

On the other hand, some MPs like Shukria Barikzai have appreciated the movements and have asked the government to go through a deep investigation to figure out the realities of the game behind the scene. She has further urged the MPs not to judge before hand and should welcome such movements if they are national movements and will not be misused by foreign agencies and political parties in the country.

Though, it is too early to prognosticate about the future consequences of such movements, but referring back to 1990s initial movements by Taliban who had basically emerged for peace establishment on the high ways lately turned to a group of militants against the government, such movements are not in favor of the system.

Considering the on hand results from the initial movements of Taliban, it is better to take over such movements before getting late for challenging them. Because it is the government’s responsibilities with the help of international community to safeguard the nation not every individual’s responsibility of getting equipped with weapons and create troubles for the government.