Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Can Dismissals Improve Security in Afghanistan?

One admits or not, security is getting worse in Afghanistan as each day passes and this country moves closer to 2014. By the end of that year, all NATO forces will be out of Afghanistan and that is the point where uncertainty reaches its peak.

Escalation of firefights between insurgents and Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), IED and suicide attacks, targeted killings, abductions and beheadings has triggered concerns among all circles in Afghanistan. The trauma caused by lingering conflict seems to be never ending here. Discussions on growing insecurity and terrorism take place almost daily in Afghan parliament and senate but no solution comes out.

On Tuesday August 18, 2012, Meshrano Jirga or upper house of parliament members, voicing deep concern over escalating insurgency-related violence across the country, urged the government to speed up efforts at stemming the unrest. All wait for the government to become more functional for addressing some very serious issues including insurgency, corruption and drug trafficking that continue unabated in Afghanistan.

With the country moving towards the worst, no immediate remedy seems to be underway. Angered over failures to curb the worsening security condition, the parliament dismissed both the interior and defense ministers – Bismillah Muhammadi and Abdul Rahim Wardak - earlier this month.

According to reports on Wednesday August 29, 2012, President Karzai dismissed Rahmatullah Nabeel, Chief of National Directorate of Security (NDS) or Afghan intelligence. Reasons for his dismissals are not clear yet. Nonetheless, one wonders if such dismissal can improve the security condition in Afghanistan.

Focusing on replacing who with who, instead of concentrating on how to eliminate the obstacle towards a peaceful and stable Afghanistan, will only benefit the enemies of this country. At the crucial juncture where Afghanistan is standing today, there is need for some effective measures to be taken and crucial decisions to be made that are in the best of our national interest and can bolster integrity and solidarity among Afghan people.

It would threatening for Afghanistan, region and the world, if the international community fails to prevent Afghanistan from reversing towards its past. Before leaving, the Western allies of Afghanistan must make sure that insurgents will not regain power in Afghanistan and spoil all gains Afghans have had in the last ten years in various sectors with the support from international community.