Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Hazara Community in Baluchistan, under Waves of Sectarian and Ideological Attacks

Hazara community in Baluchistan after finger count of 30 days of resting in peace once again got the featured headlines of the Pakistani media. During the last two weeks, the community has lost around thirteen innocent beloved members as the result of different targeted attacks.

Recently, there has been report that as a result of targeted attacks on a local bus, seven vegetable vendors from Hazara community while returning to their localities from vegetable market were selectively lined up and shot dead by terrorists at Hazar-Ganji area on Saturday, Sep 01, 2012.

Saturday's attack was the third targeted attacks on Hazara community members during the last two weeks, after a month of giving them a chance of resting in peace. Sectarian and ideological conflicts have long featured the top headlines of Pakistani media.

Sectarian insurgencies have long been burning minorities such as Hazara community in fire; unfortunately there has not been any initiation taken by Pakistani government to protect its civilians yet.

Waves of targeted attacks on minority communities such as Hazara ethnic group in Pakistan have raised questions about the nature of these crimes. Some analysts label them as a wave of sectarian violence between Shias and Sunnis while others warn of a systematic targeting of this ethnic minority. Why are the Hazaras targeted?

And what is the Pakistani government doing to protect minority groups? Despite, it is as clear crystal that the religious armed group in the country, Lashka –re-Jangavi, has claimed the responsibilities of the targeted attacks on Shia communities, still the security establishment of the country has not taken any practical initiations to protect the minorities.

The failing security arrangements have created fear among the civilians in Pakistan, especially in Baluchistan province. Baluchistan has witnessed several attacks that have caused the loss of hundreds of innocent lives up to now.

The targets are particularly done against the minority groups in Baluchistan. But the government of Pakistan has not taken any practical action yet against the insurgencies in the province. The province is burring in sectarian violence, this is what most of the civilians have been reporting to the media but it seems like the civilian voice is falling in deaf ears and there has been no government official raising voice against the insurgencies.