Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Unity in Palestine!

Iranian president Mehmood Ahmadinejad showed the willingness of his country to arbitrate between the two Palestinian factions in his meeting with the Palestinian president Mehmood Abbas. This announcement again aroused the need of direly sought unity among the Palestinians.

After the Israeli occupation, Palestinians carried out very effective resistance against the illegal occupation of Israel and a time came when Israeli government and military lost their confidence on themselves. But Israeli military gradually strengthened itself as one of the well-equipped military of the region and crushed the Palestinian freedom fighters brutally.

But most drastic effect on the Palestinian struggle of freedom came from the deteriorating economic conditions of the country which diverted the interests of people from fight to freedom to the financial survival and stability.
At the same time, Palestinian population got divided into two factions of Sunni and Shia and as a result two representative groups were formed by name of Hamas and Al-Fatah. The ideological differences between these groups got widened with every passing day and a time came when both the groups fell into a military conflict.

This was a great blow to the cause of Palestinians who were dreaming of liberating their country and have a free homeland to live according to their beliefs and ideals.

At present, both the Palestinian groups are at peace with each other but the ideological differences still exist that can cause serious disagreement or clash in any future day. No doubt, there are many world powers that are working to divide the Palestinians on sectarian bases but mostly Palestinians can be blamed for not assuring unity among their lines and letting the parting ideas or factors inside their boundaries.

Now it is the call of time that they should ignore their differences and get together both physically and mentally. For this, first requirement is to bring the influential groups of Hamas and Al-Fatah close to each other and make all the efforts to remove or lessen the differences between them.

Once this important task is achieved, it is hoped that other steps can be taken to unite the Palestinians mentally and make them stand firm and united against Israel to claim their inborn right of the homeland of their own. The call of Iran in this regard has been termed to be wise and essential and appreciated by the masses of Islamic countries that are looking forward to see Palestine an independent country.

It is also possible that standing united, both the groups can bring the Israeli authorities to the negotiation table as well. They can even make the international community exert pressure on Israel to be ready for a negotiated solution to the issue of the statehood for the Palestinians.

Negotiations between Israel and Palestinians had stopped in 2010. Though there have been strives to restart the negotiations in this regard through Mid-East shuttle diplomacy, tangible outcomes are yet to be achieved.

The situation got more tense last year when Mahmoud Abbas submitted a bid to UN Security Council for Palestinian state-hood in the meeting of the General Assembly. Though, it was vetoed but the relations between Israel and Palestinians got tenser and the prospects of negotiations came to a halt.

The need of time for Palestinians is to get united and force Israel to come to negotiation table and make the world realize that they do have the right of having a state of their own, which must be recognized by the entire world.